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Bildmuseet's Advisory Board

Bildmuseet's advisory board consists of one external chairperson, one external member from the cultural sector, a representative from each of the faculties at Umeå University, a representative from Umeå Municipality and two representatives from Umeå Student Union. The Director of Bildmuseet is permanently co-opted. The following members are included in the advisory board until 31 December 2027:

Marlene Johansson, external chairperson
Annika Levin, external member

Camilla Hällgren, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå University
Pernilla Lundberg, Faculty of Medicine, Umeå University
Åsa Boily, Faculty of Science and Technology, Umeå University
Anna Hegardt Källén, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Umeå University

Jenny Skarstedt, Umeå Municipality

Felix Köhler, Student representative, Umeå University
Alva Jeppsson, Student representative, Umeå University

Permanently co-opted: Katarina Pierre, Director of Bildmuseet
Secretary: Maja Sandow, administrative coordinator at Bildmuseet

Latest update: 2024-11-07