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Open today: 12-17
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Elias Crespin, Tetralineados Orange, 2010. Vy från Bildmuseet 2024

A movement workshop in the exhibition Elias Crespin / Chronomorphosis

Time Sunday 24 November, 2024 at 11:00 - 12:00
Place Bildmuseet

Come and take part in a different art experience. Dancer and dance teacher Karolina Kowalska leads the movement workshop where we explore Elias Crespin's mobile sculptures with the body in a fun and light-hearted way. Based on the artworks, we explore contrasts such as large–small and angular–soft, the body's relationship to the space and slow, continuous movement.

For adults and children from 6 years old.
The workshop is free of charge.
Limited number, pre-booking required. Please note: Fully booked!
Language: Swedish

Karolina Kowalska has a teacher education with a dance focus from Luleå University of Technology. She has been active as an educator, choreographer and dancer for ten years.

Organiser: Bildmuseet
Event type: Other