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Open today: 12–17
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En man står på förstubron till en nedgången stuga. En textremsa säger: "He thought the cabin was abandoned"

Personal Guided Tour: Eight degrees / Contemporary Art on the Forest

Time Sunday 28 April, 2024 at 14:00 - 15:00
Place Bildmuseet

Welcome to a personal guided tour of the exhibition Eight degrees / Contemporary art about the forest with the ecologist Micael Jonsson together with Sofia Johansson, curator of the exhibition.
Free entrance but a limited number of places. Be in time!

This exhibition brings together contemporary art exploring our complex relationships with the forest, ranging from ideas of an inviolable intrinsic value to the conception of something to be utilised, such as an economic asset or a space for recreation. What is a forest? And what pressing questions about it are relevant here and now?

Through photography, film, sculpture, drawing, textiles, sound and installations, artists, an architect and a storyteller invite us to reflect on the forest, observed and depicted from various perspectives and with diverse experiences. Their works provoke questions about tradition and future, forestry practices, land conflicts, biological diversity and the forest as a sacred space.

The exhibition title Eight degrees references Jörgen Stenberg’s eponymous poem.

Organiser: Bildmuseet
Event type: Guest Tour