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Current Exhibitions

Shubigi Rao / Pulp I–IV. View from the exhibition at Bildmuseet 2025–2026. © Shubigi. Rao. Courtesy of. Bildmuseet. Photo: Malin Grönborg
Shubigi Rao / Pulp I–IV
2025-03-14 2026-01-11

In Shubigi Rao's exhibition we encounter histories of cultural destruction and resistance.

Aseel AlYaqoubs utställning The View from Above visas på Bildmuseet 2024–2025.
Aseel AlYaqoub / The View from Above
2024-10-18 2025-04-06

Aseel AlYaqoub explores the nation as invented and imagined.

Illustration ur Utflykt av Anders Holmer, årets svenska bilderbok 2024.
Swedish Picture Book of the Year / The Excursion
2025-03-14 2025-10-19

Bildmuseet presents an exhibition of original illustrations from Swedish Picture Book of the Year.

Alexandra Daisy Ginsbergs ljud- och ljusinstallation Machine Auguries visas på Bildmuseet 2024–2025.
Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg / Machine Auguries
2024-10-18 2025-04-06

With AI-generated birdsong Machine Auguries warns of infatuation with technology at the expense of nature.

Upcoming exhibitions

Belkis Ayón, Nlloro, 1991
Belkis Ayón / Mythologies

Belkis Ayón (1967–1999), one of Cuba’s most distinguished artists, for the first presented in the Nordics.

Vernissage för utställningen Konsthögskolan 2012 / Twenty Twelve (As We Know It), Bildmuseet. Opening day for the exhibition Academy of Fine Arts 2012 / Twenty Twelve (As We Know It), Bildmuseet.
Umeå Academy of Fine Arts / Infinite Proposals

The degree show at Bildmuseet is the culmination of a period of intensive work, research, and discussion.

Past exhibitions

Britta Marakatt-Labba / Kosmos, Vy från utställningen, Bildmuseet 2009. Britta Marakatt-Labba / Cosmos, View from the exhibition, Bildmuseet 2009.
Britta Marakatt-Labba / Cosmos
2009-02-22 2009-04-26

Bildmuseet presents Britta Marakatt-Labba in the most ambitious exhibition, Cosmos, to date with...

Hilma af Klint / Geometry and Spirituality
2004-06-06 2004-10-17

Bildmuseet is exhibiting a selection of paintings and drawings by Hilma af Klint from 1906 to 1933.

Dada is Dada
2017-11-17 2018-05-20

Dada is Dada presents paintings, drawings, documents, photography, collages, objects, sound recordings...

Carl Johan De Geer / The Big Misconception
2019-04-12 2019-09-15

Innovative, provocative and brilliantly versatile.