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Open today: 12–17
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Everybody is Entitled to Security

2011-06-06 to 2011-09-04

The exhibition is the result of the second year of the Kulturverket project Where's the Art in Research?. This year's theme has been "everybody is entitled to security", taken from the UN Child Convention, and under that theme a university professor has visited schools in Umeå to talk about his research on brain tumours. Two of the articles in the child convention are about the child's right to be safe, and professor Tommy Bergenheim's research aims to make the life of those sick more secure.

After meeting with the researcher, the pupils between the ages of 5 and 17, have thought and talked about what makes them feel secure or unsecure, and together with professional artists from Kulturverket, their feelings and thoughts have been visualized in music, film, dance, words and pictures.