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Open today: 12–17
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Architectures of Transition

2021-06-19 to 2022-04-03

The exhibition Architectures of Transition presents Nordic architects and projects that, in various ways, represent a shift in contemporary architecture. What does society’s increasing demands for climate action mean for architecture, and what are the practical and esthetically impacts arising from this demand? How can architecture contribute to a society in transition to a new ecological paradigm?

Architectures of Transition showcases architectural answers to the challenges of the current environmental emergency, featuring innovative solutions, new materials and alternative ways of conceiving architecture and urban space.

Through photography, video and large-scale installations, the exhibition presents ongoing, realised and utopian building projects that underline potential pathways towards decarbonisation and eco-friendly construction methods. In conjunction with the exhibition, Bildmuseet will arrange talks, workshops and physical interventions in the public room.

Participating are 3XN (Denmark), Anders Berensson Architects (Sweden), Belatchew Arkitekter (Sweden), CITA (Denmark), Framlab (Norway), HappySpace (Sweden), Lundén Architecture Company (Finland), and Norell/Rodhe (Sweden).

The Architectures of Transition exhibition was initiated and produced by Bildmuseet. For this project, Bildmuseet has invited curator, architect and writer Pedro Gadanho, Loeb fellow at Harvard University, former director of MAAT – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon, and former curator for contemporary architecture at MoMA, New York.

Collaboration with the Umeå School of Architecture

In conjunction with the exhibition students in Studio 12 at the School of Architecture have conducted research and produced prototypes and visualizations stemming from the themes and questions in the exhibition. Their work will be presented at various events organized by the school throughout the exhibition period. Senior lecturer and Studio 12 leader Alejandro Haiek has also provided input for the exhibition.