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Open today: 12-17
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2025-05-23 to 2025-11-23

Belkis Ayón (1967–1999) is one of Cuba’s most distinguished artists. Spanning works from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s, the exhibition celebrates a creative peak in her brief career. 

Ayón worked with collagraphy, a printmaking technique she refined and used innovatively to expand both expression and scale. Her monumental works draw upon the figures, symbols, and rituals of Abakuá, a secret Afro-Cuban, male-only society which she explored throughout her artistic practice. In her interpretations of Abakuá myths, she introduces ideas about a fusion of religions and belief systems. Ayón’s iconic artworks form a distinct universe of traditions, hierarchies and worldviews.

Belkis Ayón / Mythologies is the first presentation of the artist’s work in the Nordics. The exhibition is produced by Bildmuseet in collaboration with The Gund at Kenyon College, Ohio, USA. With thanks to the Belkis Ayón Estate, Havana, and Modern Art Oxford.