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Swedish picture book of the year

NEWS Those who are left by Karin Saler and Siri Ahmed Backström has been awarded the Swedish picture book of the Year award. The authors will receive the prize during Littfest - Umeå's international literature festival, and the originals from the book are presented in an exhibition that opens at Bildmuseet on Sunday, 15 March.

Journalists are welcome to make an appointment for a preview of the exhibition during Wednesday, 11 March and Thursday, 12 March. Brita Täljedal, curator at the Bildmuseet and one of the members of the jury will be present to give an introduction.

Karin Saler and Siri Ahmed Backström will receive the award during Littfest on Friday, March 13th at 13:00 in the Peterson-Berger Hall, Umeå Folkets Hus, followed by a conversation about the book led by the chairman of the jury, Vicky Uhlander. From 13:45 onwards there will be an opportunity for interviews.

The exhibition runs from 15 March to 30 August. Press photos from the book and of Karin Saler and Siri Ahmed Backström are available for download from Bildmuseet’s website.

The jury's motivation is as follows: "Emerging author Karin Saler and artist Siri Ahmed Backström breaks new ground in Those who are left and tackles how everyday life slowly find its way back into a grieving family. With limited resources and refined dialogues between text and image, they portray the alienation and void feeling of sadness while simultaneously showing what life in a new reality may look like. A touching and important picture book that grows with every reading. "

The Snowball - Swedish picture book of the Year is a national book award with the aim of upgrading the picture book as artistic work and encourage creators and publishers to push imagery beyond the book's artistic boundaries, both in relation to content and form. Behind the award stands Krumelur - the association for young words in the North in collaboration with Svenska Tecknare, cultural association Pilgatan, the county libraries in Västerbotten and Västernorrland, Umeå Municipality, Littfest and Bildmuseet.

To reach Karin Saler and Siri Ahmed Backström and to make an appointment for a preview of the exhibition, please contact

Helena Vejbrink, press- and communications officer Bildmuseet
090-7869073, helena.vejbrink@bildmuset.umu.se

For more information about the exhibition and the prize, contactBrita Täljedal, curator Bildmuseet and member of the jury
090-786 7714, brita.taljedal@bildmuseet.umu.se

Editor: Helena Vejbrink