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Open today: 12-17
Free admission
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Plan your visit

Visiting address

Bildmuseet, Umeå Arts Campus
Östra strandgatan 30 B
903 33 Umeå

Bildmuseet offers a free bus to the visit

Bildmuseet offers a free bus within the municipality of Umeå for you and your class to the school programme. When you have received the date and time for the visit confirmed by us, you send an e-mail to info@gostasbuss.se to order transport.
Remember to book well in advance of the visit.

Enter this in your booking (copy and fill in):
1. Applies to transport to the Picture Museum for a school program.
2. Name of the person following the group:
3. Telephone number (mobile):
4. School:
5. Number of travelers:
6. Address school:
7. Booked time at the Bildmuseet (Gösta's bus plans to pick you up at the school or at the museum on the return journey):
8. Other things that Gösta Buss needs to know:

Find us

The main entrance is accessed from Östra Strandgatan, at Umeå Arts Campus. Please report to the reception desk on arrival.

Local bus routes 1, 5, 8 and 9 stop at Östra Strandgatan, near Bildmuseet. Timetables may be found at www.tabussen.nu.

Pre-booked schools programmes

The programmes are inspired by themes or techniques in current exhibitions and are led by one of our art educators. 

School programmes and visits are led by one of our art educators, Denise Mångsén and Emma Mårtensson. During Bildmuseet’s regular opening hours, they will welcome you at the reception area by the main entrance on level 1. If you have a booking outside of our regular opening hours (before 12:00) we will meet you by the cloakroom on level 0. Please use the stairs in front of the main entrance. If you arrive a few minutes before we start, you will have time to leave coats and bags in the lockers.

You can bring your own snacks if you like. Please let us know in advance if you would like a snack break during the school programme. If you have any questions, or if you have to make a late cancellation, please call Denise, 090-786 95 35 or Emma 090-786 54 68.

Responsibility for the group

When you book a school programme, an art educator will guide you during your visit. Please note that responsibility for the group rests with the supervising adult (carer, teacher, group leader). If you are visiting Bildmuseet outside of the school programme, we recommend that children up to lower secondary school (högstadium) be accompanied by a teacher.

Museum hosts

During your visit to Bildmuseet, you will meet museum hosts in the reception area, as well as in the exhibition halls. Please do not hesitate to ask them about the works of art, exhibitions or programmes. We welcome any tips or comments you may have on Bildmuseet.

Cloakrooms, toilets, and lockers

You will find our unattended cloakrooms, toilets, and lockers for coats and large bags on level 0. (The main entrance and reception are on level 1.) Backpacks, large bags, suitcases, and umbrellas are not allowed in the exhibition halls, due to the risk of damage to the works of art.

School material

If you wish to visit Bildmuseet outside of the school programme, you can borrow writing pads and pencils. Please do not use walls, floors, or art pedestals as a surface when writing, as this leaves marks. If the group wants to take notes or make drawings, please use pencils only.

Be careful in the exhibition halls

Due to the risk of harming the art, eating and drinking are not allowed in the exhibition halls. Please move carefully around the exhibition halls and respect tours in progress and other visitors. You are welcome to use the black foldable stools in the museum, but carry them around with care, so that you do not accidentally cause any damage to the art. Please return the stool to its rack after use.

Why can’t you touch the art?

Touching the art is strictly prohibited. Even if you touch a work of art gently, you can cause great damage through any salt or grease on your fingers. This rule applies to art of any material. We want to preserve the art for generations to come.

Where can we eat our snacks?

You can eat your own snacks or fruit on level 0. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the exhibition halls.

Taking pictures

Photography is restricted at some exhibitions. Please ask the museum guides before you take a photo.

Visit Bildmuseet on your own 

You can also visit Bildmuseet on your own together with your class during our regular opening hours. To avoid  collisions with other events, we ask you to pre-register the visit to konstped.bildmuseet@umu.se

More information

For more information, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:

Lisa Lundström
Museum curator
090-7867012, lisa.lundstrom@umu.se

Denise Mångsén 
Art educator
090-7869535, denise.mangsen@umu.se

Emma Mårtensson
Art educator
090-786 54 68, emma.martensson@umu.se


Latest update: 2024-11-29